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KHS 100th Celebration

We are excited to celebrate this historic event.  Mark your calendars for September 22-23 2023, for a weekend full of special events.
Events will start Friday Evening and go through the day on Saturday!

In The Press Box

Saralyn Smith (KHS 100th Celebration Chair) sits down with Lloyd Jones (class of 1982) from the Conway Daily Sun to talk about the event and what to expect!

September 8th Update

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Saralyn Smith, chair of the Kennett High 100th Celebration dropped by The Press Box to share a final update of the festivities planned for the weekend of Sept. 23-25. News on the new KHS Book and info on the parade, the return of high school games to the original campus, the opening of the 1974 time capsule and the biggest fireworks show in Conway.

August 1st Update

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Saralyn Smith, chair of the Kennett High 100th Celebration dropped by The Press Box for the third time to share an update of the festivities planned for the weekend of Sept. 23-25. There will be everything from a parade, the return of high school games to the original campus, the opening of the 1974 time capsule and now fireworks are planned.

June 14th Update

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Saralyn Smith, chair of the Kennett High 100th Celebration dropped by to share an update of the festivities planned for the weekend of Sept. 23-25. There will be everything from a parade, the return of high school games to the original campus and the opening of the 1974 time capsule.

April 27th Update

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Saralyn Smith, chair of the Kennett High School 100th Celebration Committee, drops by the Press Box to talk about the alumni association and a ton of great things planned for Sept. 22-24.

Note: you will need to click on the 100th Celebration Logo for the video to begin to play

Timeline of Events (subject to change at this time)

Friday September 22, 2023

4:30 pm - Conway Boy/Conway Girl Showing at the Majestic Theater

6:00 pm - Homecoming/100th Celebration Parade Main Street, Conway

6:45ish pm - Wreath Laying on Veterans Memorial on the front lawn of A. Crosby Kennet School (KMS)

7:00 pm - 9:30 pm - Entertainment, Food Trucks all located on Kennett Campus (original)

Saturday September 23, 2023

10:00 am - Opening of Time Capsule buried in 1974

11:00 am - Varsity Sports Games @ Kennett Campus (original) Field Hockey, Boys Soccer, & Girls Soccer

11:30 - Tours of A. Crosby Kennett School (KMS)

12:000 pm - Conway Boy/Conway Girl Showing at the Majestic Theater

12:30 pm - JV Sports Games @ Kennett Campus (original) Field Hockey, Boys Soccer, & Girls Soccer

1:45 pm - Student Choir of Kennett Fight Song and National Anthem on McKeen Memorial Field

2:00 pm - Varsity Football Game @ McKeen Memorial Field

4:00 - 7:00 pm - Reception at the New England Ski Museum in North Conway (Scholar Park), Highlighting KHS Ski Teams

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